Dream Diary Archive

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I genuinely don't wanna know WHAT I inhale some nights but there's some dreams I've had in the past that are so vivid I've managed to fully memorise them. This also has some recent ones too since they were also pretty damn out there. Some of them are funny, some of them are a good indicator on my personality.

Dad the RPG Candle Maker

Me and my dad were walking around in a busy shopping area, when I thought I saw a friend go into a kiddie play place/ fast food joint. Left to find my dad somehow just phased out of existance and the only person who was willing to help me find him was a mascot guy who worked at the place (I think he just hung around the place in the costume).

Pulled a Spongebob 2 speeding background walking montage up to my dad's house, were it turned into an RPG styled interaction with him. For some reason my dad was a candle maker and was also not my dad, he also stored his candles in the fridge.

Disney Love Cruise

(I admit this more of a nightmare now)

Was eating breakfast reading the paper when I found an ad for free Disney cruise tickets. Didn't question it, I just packed my shit and went down to the pickup location, which was an empty, London dock (ala Noire) at night whilst there was a huge fog rolling in.

I couldn't get into the dock area 'cause of a huge barred gate blocking the entrance (I was in a canal styled walkway) so I had to swim between the bars with my stuff to get in. When I got to the other side Mickey Mouse was there, full captain get up and he greeted me to take me down to the ship.

I never got to go on the cruise 'cause my brain pulled a damn "One Month Later" Spongebob card, and I just ended being all lovey dovey with Mickey as I swam back. Same spot, same time, same fucking weather but I was in love with the rat.

Chinese Takeout Duel

This is my favourite weird dream. Chilling with my mum on the sofa when there was a knock on the door, some random Chinese takeout guy (as in he was both Chinese and worked as one, family business) was arguing I hadn't payed for my last ordered, which I didn't remember getting. Promised I'd pay him back by the end of the day and he left, but not before making it seem like a threat.

Went down to my, suddenly Asian cultural hotpot (it was like Zemyata went ballistic on a construction blueprint), nearby stores with my friends and withdrawled some from a convience store. Suddenly the Chinese guy from before did a fucking shoot by and I ducked behind the counter with the store owner whilst my two friends got shot.

Somehow I wasn't distraught by this, and went out to give the guy his money. But I just awoke on a plane headed for Switzerland with my dad. For some reason we were also given complimentary mini grand pianos with the Swiss emblem on them and I told my dad I needed to get back to my village. He agreed to it and we disembarked (with the pianos) and hopped in his red lamborguine he had.

Before we headed down we got some Burger King and pulled up to my Asian hot pot stores, where the guy was doing a fucking wild west shoot out in the middle of the road with another one of my friends, gun to their head. In a quick move, I gave the guy the money, he seemed content and shot my friend eitherway. And for some, fucking reaosn I considered this a success.

Also my dad was holding those damn grand pianos whilst standing in the crowd, the entire time.

YouTube Suing Inccident

YouTube came up with a new system in which a bot would add audio/stock footage to any video that was deemed 'boring', the addition would've also matched the style of the video (best example from my dream was someone reading a creepypasta with a still background, and this generic footage of a gothic girl in a wedding styled dress, who was walking down a long table in a castle from the back came up).

I hated the concept but I thought I'd be free from it since I didn't make anything that had little black footage, made a video and the bot struck and for some, UNHOLY REASON, the little shit thought my video was heavily missing a tortoise in a party hat, eating a raw egg, on a baseball field.

I got so pissed I started bombarding them on Twitter with requests to take it down and they ignored me, woke up with a really dope come back and for a hot moment opened Twitter to smack them with it until I realised what I was doing.

Recurring NSFW Dreams

Does what it says on the tin, I blame Monster Inc and the scream extractor.


DEVIl Chasing me in a Cinema

(Reference of him/them)

Dreamt I was wandering around an abandoned, huge multi level cinema with a bunch of paranormal explorers(? all I remember was this served as inspo for a fic I never finished) when DEVIL jumped us and started chasing my group. We managed to end up in the basement of the place, where an old church stood that they had been living in (I don't even wanna fucking know how you set that up and dump a cinema on top but a'ight). I vividly remember going down a flight of stairs in the church fast enough to trip and fall down to the next floor where he did an oldschool wall slam of me and teased killing me with his knife.

I have never forgotten that or the way it made me feel when I woke up.

The MLP only Store

New store opened in my local shopping centre, and for some reason it only sold MLP toys. Specifcally those MLP snap figures where you'd have to pop the two sides of the pony together, you could also make lovecraftian abominations with them. Also the store reeked of an early 2010 girls toy ad.

Feral Maggie Simpson

I was hanging with Squidward in the Krusty Krab at night when the off camera narrator dropped a bamboo cage on the floor and told us not to let the thing inside out, or give it meat. Turns out the thing inside was a Ike styled Maggie Simpson, Squidward calls bullshit and gives it a Krusty Krabby to which it went absolutely fucking feral and ate him.

I book it the fuck outta there and began running down the road whilst she chased me and eating any other residents. Woke up in a cold sweat convinced she was under my bed and I had a mini freakout about it.

The Desert Maze with The Peanuts

I was getting gas with my dad in the middle of the nervada desert during dusk, across from us was a fancy hotel with a big road running between. A cyan lovebus pulled up to the dingy little gas station we were at and I clonked out.

Came to in the middle of a random part of the desert at night where a huge sand stone maze was build with a small battered camp being set up across it. Somehow The Peanuts crew were stuck in a purgatory state trying to reach the exit and I teamed up with Charlie Brown to complete it.

The flooring was quicksand so we just cheated and started walking along the walls until we reached the end. To which we found this huge ass tumble weed/thorn and barbwire field we were supposed to cross (Idk how far it stretched but it was fucking massive).

Charlie just grabbed some bamboo nearby, made some stilts and began walking whilst a dust storm picked up and a disembodied voice from the heavens started talking about how "all humans are selfish" and "there is no good human".

Woke up again at the beginning but with Lucy, Linus and Phineas and Ferb's mum. We had to redo it but this time the floor was lava so we tried it again, fell over the side of one of the walls and-

The Morrison Maze

I landed in an aquarium/labratory with my college classmates. Despite there being nothing there we all decided to start running, went through a lab's canteen at one point until we went down a hallway and ended up in a nearby Morrison during a rushhour. Most of the people there assumed it was over and left, everyone eventually left and this creepy, grinning, black guy approached me. Said I had to complete a challenge which I initally refused, only to be turned into an OMORI esc tree and left in Headspace. Agreed to it and got turned back, when I did I had this furry like creature on my back (as did some of the other kids who stayed behind).

Took me a bit but I realised this thing wouldn't hurt me unless I realised it wouldn't. Idk how I managed to do that, 'cause another kid did and theirs started mauling them from the back. Ended up walking into the backstorage area until I woke up.

The Cartoon/Live action Game Show

Somehow this is now my least favourite dream I've had, only because it's so hard to describe. Me and my friends were in the dream mall when we saw this whackass game show going on.

Took place in a lil tent (which was way bigger on the inside) and we decided to sign up. Basically there were two tables, a bit away from each other, a screen in the back (ala Family Feudes), a nonexistent audience that still engaged with us, our host (who I can't remember the name or form of) and an inky void surrounding us. Also the ground was falling, like the whole show went down pretty casually but the fucking ground just gave in the second the show started and we were just free falling.

Me and my friends were on the one table whilst a bunch of my favourite cartoon characters were on the other (I can't remember who was there). Everytime we lost a question we had to mix and match our teammates, who set up to sabotage the other team. Dream ended with me waking up and all the characters from before were standing over me in bed.

I admit I learnt what de ja vu was around the time so I only dreamt this in the high hopes it would happen. This was when I was like 15.

Jack shit so far.


Spooky's House of Jumpscares Challenge

Murder Cult Mystery

This is probably my favourite one I've had.

I was a noire styled detective and someone had been murdered in a church like setting as a sacrifice. I got called in and found a calling card to an organisation I couldn't I.D, I initally assumed it was the Free Mason (which all secret societies ran like cults/ mafia in this dream) but I then realised it looked more like the Illuminaughti and went to their hideout.

The hideout was an old building, my brain says firestation but I think it was an old Police Department. I snuck in under the giese as a friend of the boss, and tried to skulk up to his office. However, the other workers caught on and started bartering me for I.D and proof, until someone else kicked the door in and I ran into the bosses office just as the killer started shooting.

By the time I left I got another clue, everyone was dead and I fucking woke up.

Zombie Cat

I won't go too far into this one as it's based off a slight fear I have. Dreamt my feral ass cat, Louie was a zombie and was just standing outside the back door. I knew something was up as my dog went over to investigate. Turns out he got revived ala Pet Cemetary.

Woodcrawler Sleep Paralysis

Drifting Classroom Train


Uncle Puff Daddy Tries to Sell me Snoopy DVDs


The Minnie Mouse Costume/ Cockroach Raising Project

Kidnapping by Two Random Guys

Falling Down a Plug Hole